The right diet and nutrition are very important for healthy teeth and gums.
- Eat raw food like fresh fruits and raw vegetables as snacks.
- Do not have junk food, aerated drinks. The high sugar content of junk food washes away the protective enamel layer of the teeth leading to corrosive cavities.
- Eating sticky sweets after dinner…..may cause increased bacterial activity during sleep.
- If you have a habit of drinking tea and coffee regularly, teeth are more prone to decay because of added sugar content.
- Sipping soda, fizzy drinks, and aerated drinks-causes acid attacks on enamel.
- Try not to snack between the meals and drink lots of water. Give 2-3 hours gap between meals so that acid level in mouth comes down and gives a chance for saliva to counteract effect of acid and repair enamel.
- Rinse after every meal.
- Biting on strong hard sucking sweet, bone or any solid object an damage or fracture teeth.
- Bad eating habits can cause bad breath.
- Use a new toothbrush every three months or when the bristles break or bend.
- Get regular dental check up to keep your mouth healthy.
- Visit the dentist once every 6 months to ensure prompt cleaning of any tartar on teeth or fillings.
- Some general health problems (eg. Diabetes, gastritis) and /or medications may play a role in creating mouth odors.
- Let your dentist know regarding general health issues to decide and treat the same.