General Dental Care

Dentists In Dublin - Cosmetic & Implant Specialists

The dental examination is a partnership between the patient and the dentist.
What is included in the dental exam is not the same for everyone. Factors such as age, dental health status, level of general health, medication use and lifestyle choices may influence what is covered during dental exam.
The dentist may look at some or all of the following during an exam:

  • Medical history,including health conditions or medications that could impact dental care or treatment.
  • X-rays are valuable diagnostic tool that might help to see what is going on bellow the surface of the teeth and gums as well as the bones jaw status.
  • Oral hygiene to confirm plague and tartar levels that afect the gums and teeth health.
  • The gums will be examined for signs of disease such as swelling, redness or infection.
  • Soft tissue health,including the lips, tongue, cheeks, upper and lower surfaces of the mouth for oral cancer or sensitivity.
  • The condition of teeth to identify any damaged or decayed teeth along with the condition of any dental prosthesis.
  • Existing dental work such as fillings, root canals and crowns will also be examined for any deterioration.
  • Jaw function: how the teeth are fitting together and the bite.The overall health and function of the joint that joins the jaw to the skull.
  • The general condition of the bones in the face, jaw and around the mouth.

As with your overall health, prevention and early detection are the cornerstones of good dental health.

Dental disease is irreversible and symptoms are often not noticeable until problems have advanced. In conjunction with good oral hygiene practiced at home the dental examination performed by dentist is a critical component to maintain dental health.


X-ray is an essential part of a routine dental examination. It gives the dentist a look at the tooth structure beneath the gum line as well as the jaw bone structure. While the x-ray has long been a part of the dental examination, recent advances in technology have allowed for increased use of the digital x-ray. Benefits of the digital x-ray over traditional film x-rays include:

  • With digital x-rays, the dentist is able to project a panoramic image of the patient’s entire mouth onto a monitor located in the treatment room. This allows the patient to see exactly what the dentist sees, which is beneficial in explaining issues and prospective procedures and allows the patient to feel as though he or she is part of the treatment discussion.
  • Digital x-rays expose patients to up to 90 percent less radiation than traditional (film) x-rays.
  • Since digital x-rays require no chemical fixers or developers, they are much more environmentally friendly than traditional film x-rays.
  • Digital x-rays produce images that are much clearer and more comprehensive than those created by traditional film x-rays.
  • Because digital x-rays are instantly displayed on a computer screen rather than printed onto films which need to be viewed against light, the dentist is able to instantly read the x-rays. Furthermore, the dentist is able to alter images by zooming in, enlarging, or highlighting certain areas of the picture to more clearly see potential problems and to explain them to the patient.

Dental caries, also known as tooth decay or a cavity, is an infection, usually bacterial in origin that causes demineralization of the hard tissues (enamel, dentin and cementum) and destruction of the organic matter of the tooth, usually by production of acid by hydrolysis of the food debris accumulated on the tooth surface.

The progression of pit and fissure caries
Dental caries will not occur if the oaral cavity is free of bacteria. These bacteria are organized into a material known as dental plague which is yellowish coloured film on the surface of the teeth.
A variety of carbohydrates provide substrates for these organism to grow on and the waste products of their metabolism, acids, initiate the tooth decay process by dissolving the enamel surface of the tooth and create holes in the tooth (cavities). Cavities are usually painless until they grow very large and affect nerves or cause a tooth fracture. If left untreated, a tooth abscess can develop. Untreated tooth decay also destroys the internal structures of the tooth (pulp) and ultimately causes the loss of the tooth.

Caries may be curable, or not, depending on when it is found. White spots may indicate early caries that has not yet eroded through the enamel. Early caries may be reversed if acid damage is stopped and the tooth is given a chance to repair the damage naturally.
Caries that has destroyed enamel cannot be reversed. Most caries will continue to get worse and go deeper. With time, the tooth may decay down to the root. How long this takes will vary from person to person. Caries can erode to a painful level within months or years.


We are a mercury-free practice.
We provide comprehensive mercury-free and amalgam free dentistry.
Today, there are various effective and cosmetically superior alternatives to amalgam.
Our main priority is your comfort and long-term health; therefore we endorse the use of amalgam free fillings at our practice.
You can avoid the need for fillings by preventing tooth decay in the first place. Brushing, flossing, eating a balanced diet and seeing your dentist regularly are important factors in staying healthy.
The word “amalgam” when referring to dental fillings means a mixture of two or more metals in which mercury is a component.
Dental amalgam is a mix of approximately 43 percent to 54 percent mercury with other metals, including silver, copper and tin.
Disadvantages of Amalgam/Silver fillings:
Dental amalgam contains elemental mercury. It releases low levels of mercury vapor that can be inhaled. High levels of mercury vapor exposure are associated with adverse effects in the brain, kidneys and different forms of allergies.

Silver fillings have many drawbacks. The edges of the silver filling wear down, pull away from the tooth and become weak or break. This results in the tooth not being protected and allows bacteria to grow underneath the filling creating a cavity that we cannot see.
With age, the metal of a silver filling expands, contracts, acting like a wedge pushing the remaining tooth apart.
Silver fillings contain 50 percent mercury. They can corrode, leak and cause stains on your teeth and gums. Fortunately, silver fillings can safely be replaced with Tooth-Colored Restorations.

  • Poor aesthetics – fillings don’t match the color of your natural teeth
  • Destruction of more tooth structure – healthy parts of the tooth must often be removed to make a space large enough to hold the amalgam filling
  • Discoloration – amalgam fillings can create a grayish hue to the surrounding tooth structure
  • Cracks and fractures – although all teeth expand and contract in the presence of hot and cold liquids, which ultimately can cause the tooth to crack or fracture, amalgam material – in comparison with other filling materials-may experience a wider degree of expansion and contraction and lead to a higher incidence of cracks and fractures

As a primitive filling material, amalgam can be detrimental to oral health. It is well known that placing amalgam requires the removal of a significant amount of healthy tooth matter. This removal, in turn, weakens overall tooth structure which increases the need for future dental work. On top of that, amalgam fillings, which expand and contract over time, crack teeth and create the need for still more dental work.

Superior modern alternatives preserve healthy tooth structure and actually strengthen teeth, leading to better oral health and less extensive dental work over the long-term.“These tooth-friendly features of resin-based composites make them preferable to amalgam, which has provided an invaluable service but which, we believe, now should be considered outdated for use in operative dentistry,” concluded a recent study of composite use.

The environmental health effects of amalgam are well known, and have recently been reiterated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency: brain damage and neurological problems, especially for children and the unborn babies of pregnant women.
Also, on July 31st ,the European Commission Study Recommends Ban of Dental Amalgam



During the first part of your check up we will look to see if sealants will be helpful to you. Sealants are protection for your teeth.

Sealant is made from a plastic like material and is painted on the chewing surfaces of your teeth to protect them from cavities.

If your dentist decides that sealants would help protect your teeth they will either decide to place the sealant on the first visit or schedule a follow up.

Infected tooth/Gums in your mouth is a MAJOR health Hazard- Clean Your mouth NOW and life will Sparkle!

A new study adds to a growing body of evidence that shows having healthy teeth and gums leads to better chances of having a healthy heart.

“The bacteria in our mouth can get into our bloodstream and cause and inflammation that can spread from our mouth to our whole body and the heart and cardiovascular system is very susceptible to infection.” The study presented to the American Heart Association also showed the more infected teeth there were, the higher the risk for heart disease.

Treatment of Gums and removal of causative agent causing gum disease like plaque is must .
Scaling is needed on a regular basis by every one. It is suggested that scaling should ideally be done at six monthly intervals.

Scaling, Cleaning and Polishing of the teeth is the basic treatment of gum disease, and maintenance of overall gum and body health.
Most of the adult population will have a form of gum disease and the bone supporting the teeth and gums will shrink/resorb over time.

Scaling and polishing done with our modern and gentle supersonic scalers remove plaque, calculus and staining that simply cannot be removed even with meticulous home care- brushing and flossing.

At our dental clinic, we use the supersonic technology.
The supersonic unit’s small tip and high frequency scaling tool along with its water spray technology delivers higher patient comfort and makes the procedure for the removal of calculus (tartar) painless and more time-effective.

Due to its transparent color we are not able to see plaque but by using disclosing tablets one can actually see it.
Disclosing tablets or solution is used to expose plaque, and can help you see where the plaque is located. These agents are harmless and contain a vegetable dye that stains any areas of plaque on your teeth.
A tablet is thoroughly chewed and swished around the teeth and gums for maximum coverage and then rinsed out

Our method of Scaling, Cleaning and Polishing is a deep clean, a more extensive version of a standard hygiene treatment with the use of super-sonic jets to de-scale your teeth and different types of cleaning and polish paste. Based on your dental health exam findings our dentist in collaboration with you will establish the priority of the treatment and how the treatment will be carried out. Our dentist will determine what paste will be used for your scaling, cleaning and polishing treatment based on your dental exam findings .

How dental cleanings are performed at ours office?

Our practice aims not only to remove the tartar but also to do everything in our power to make sure that tartar does not accumulate so quickly. This is why every patient’s teeth are cleaned in three/four phases.

First, we remove the rough plaque or tartar with a supersonic tartar remover.

A special cleaning paste is then used to remove fine tartar and stains from all outer surfaces of the teeth.
The cleaning paste unique formula – provide effective removal of biofilm and extrinsic staining and gives greater luster for whiter, brighter teeth.

Finally, we polish the teeth with a fine polishing paste, which restores the teeth their smooth and shiny surface. Tartar does not accumulate so easily on teeth which have been treated this way, and if it does, it is much easier to remove.

It is now known that early white spot lesion can progress to a cavity, remain static or reverse via remineralisation. The presence of fluoride has been shown to promote the process of remineralisation and the ‘healed’ lesion has been shown to be more resistant to caries attack.

For preventing and/or remineralizing dental caries – application of topical remineralising (application of varnish fluoride which is the cornerstone of caries prevention).


Decrease acid solubility of enamel
Enhances Remineralisation
Antimicrobial action
Get whiter teeth and healthier gums. Excellent esthetic results.
Smoothes off the enamel surface and makes it more difficult for bacteria to adhere
Supersonic scaler removes dental plaque and calculus from surfaces of teeth.
Removes coffee stains and clears away tartar.
Helps prevent tooth decay and infection

Saving Money

Dental procedures such as root canals, surgeries and implants are expensive and your dental insurance may not cover the cost for many of these procedures. By preventing gum disease, tooth loss and by taking proper care of your teeth, you can avoid such treatments and save a lot of money in the long run.

Prevention is less expensive than treatments it Saves Smiles, Saves Money and Keeps your Body Healthy!

Poor oral health is linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung disease and respiratory ailments.


If we identify signs of periodontal or gum disease during our examination, we will suggest additional treatment.

This might involve additional recall or cleaning appointments during the year, additional gum treatment with a periodontist (gum specialist) to allow for the best care of your gums.

Periodontal or gum disease will often cause damage without a patient being aware.

This is why early diagnosis and treatment is necessary to preserve the health of your gums and underlying bone.

In most cases a clinical exam by itself is not sufficient to completely diagnose all potential problems with your mouth. In fact, the majority of problems with your teeth and the jawbone are not visible to the naked eye. That is why x-rays play a key role in allowing a better, and more accurate look at what is really going on inside your mouth and below your teeth and gums. By using x-rays your dentist can check for any bone loss and determine the severity of the gum disease.

In addition to revealing any problems that were not visible during the clinical exam these initial x-rays will also provide your dentist with a benchmark with which to compare against during your future visits.

Night Guard

When you wake up in the morning, do you experience pain in your jaw joint? Do you have difficulty opening or closing your mouth? Do you have sensitivity in your teeth or do they look shorter? Do you get routine headaches? These could be clear signs of grinding or bruxing. If un-controlled, you can damage your jaw joint, your teeth or any dental work you have received from your dentist.

Reasons For Grinding

Grinding reason is still unknown but there are some factors that are associated with this problem such as: Stress and anxiety, Excess use of Caffeine, Smoking, Excess use of alcohol,Some prescription medication …

Although there is no cure for grinding / bruxing , it can be controlled. If you grind your teeth during the day or at night, it is recommended a night guard to protect your teeth from these grinding forces.  A night guard is a plastic cover that fits over your teeth to deflect the hard forces of chewing. Night guards will also increase the longevity of your dental work.

Night Guard Treatment

During the first visit your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This impression is then sent to a dental laboratory where a custom-fit night guard is made.
On your second visit your dentist will show you how to place it into your mouth and will adjust it to your bite. There are different kinds of night guards from soft materials to harder plastic materials. Your dentist will recommend you the material best suited for you.


Need to stop snoring?

Say goodbye to snoring with Silensor-sl

Snoring is a common problem that affects many people of all ages. For some people it is a socially embarrassing problem. For others it is even more severe, straining relationships with their partners.

The effects can be physical as well as emotional and in a lot of case it will be both.

Acute snoring can severely impact on normal sleeping patterns, causing exhaustion and a lowered immune system. Over an extended period of time, serious snorers may also develop more severe conditions such as sleep apnea.

Emotionally, snoring can severely impact on the relationships that snorers have with those around them. Many partners of snorers become resentful due to the fact that they are deprived of sleep on an ongoing basis.

One of the most effective anti snoring treatment device is Silensor –sl ,a light-weight mouth piece, which is custom-made for each patient to wear it comfortably at night. Has been clinically tested and proven to the best treatment for snoring.

Silensor-sl is a comfortable and at the same time effective snore – guard.

When is the suitable?

The Silensor-sl cannot be used with edentulous patients and should only be fixed to a partial denture which has adequate retention. It is up to the dentist to assess whether or not residual teeth provide enough retention. Also on increased BMI (body-mass-index) of more than 30, results might vary. If a sleep apnea is suspected, the efficacy of the Silensor should be assessed in a sleep laboratory considering the seriousness of this disease

Rare but possible side effects:

If the wearer of the Silensor-sl should realize tooth migration his practicioner has to be informed of it as quickly as possible. The dentist will then decide if the appliance can further be worn.
After removal of the splint the patient feels more or less considerably a changed bite situation – the mandible feels slightly out of alignment. This condition will disappear in a short time and will have no consequences according to several tests.
In the beginning of the Silensor-sl therapy there will often be increased salivation. This will, however, generally soon decrease again.

Patient Home Care Instructions

The material out of which the splint has been fabricated can for health reasons not been provided with

additives that prevent discoloring.

Possible discolourings are neither harmful to health nor to material and result from certain bacteria that belong to the oral flora, from micro bleedings in the area of the movable gingiva, from some solvents for mouth washs, from some filling materials and from UV radiation (for ex. sunlight).

The appliances (splints) fabricated out of thermoforming materials should be cleaned and maintained as follows:

  • Best results are achieved with Oxydens cleansing tablets for dental splints
  • The cleansing tablets are particularly adapted to dental splints, remove plaque and mineral deposits, bad smells and prevent discolouring. It is recommended to use the practical Oxydens
  • Clean set for a hygienic use and storage. (Oxydens Clean tablets)

Dental splints can alternatively also be cleaned with conventional soap, curd soap and liquid soap

  • Do not use any strongly perfumed soaps
  • Do not use any cleaning solutions that contain alcohol (possibly swelling) and tooth paste (contains abrasive particles), mouth wash (possible discoloring) and water that is hotter than 50 °C (deformation).
  • Prior to insertion clean the teeth and wash the splint with cold water.
  • After use of the splint well wash it with water and use Oxydens according to the instructions.
    If Oxydens is not at hand thoroughly clean the inner and exterior side of the splint with a soft tooth brush and soap. Again well wash with water. Shake off the water or dry with a towel
  • Never blow dry as results in deformation
  • Very important: allow the splint to completely dry!
  • Keep at a dry place, best in a box that has aeration holes.
silensorsl silensor Need to Stop Snoring

Sports Guard or Mouth Guard

You’ve probably seen others wearing a mouth guard during a game of football, basketball or hockey.

If you play sports or if you’re just worried about injuring or knocking out your teeth, you can ask and we will make for you a custom made sport mouth guard.  A sport mouth guard will protect your teeth, lips, gums and cheeks from injury.

A custom made mouth guard is simple to make and it can be the difference between keeping your smile and repairing or replacing a broken tooth. Minimum two appointments are required.

During the first visit your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This impression is then sent to a dental laboratory where a custom-fit sport mouth guard is made.
On your second visit your dentist will show you how to place it into your mouth and will adjust it to your bite.  There are different kinds of sports guards and depends on the sport you play.

Let our dentist know what sport you are playing and he w will recommend you the material best suited for you

Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction means permanently removing a tooth from its socket.

Procedure On Removing A Tooth

First, a local anesthetic is applied to make the procedure more comfortable. A dental instrument called an elevator is used to wiggle the tooth in its socket. After the tooth is loosened it is removed using forceps.

Extraction’s Possible Complications

Like most other procedures, tooth extraction is not free of possible complications. You should be aware that there is a slight chance of infection, tenderness, prolonged bleeding, dry socket and loosening of neighboring teeth or their fillings or crowns.

Another rare possibility is of an upper tooth getting displaced into the sinus.  Lastly, jaw fracture and temporary or permanent numbness is also very rare possibilities.

Importance Of Replacing The Missing Tooth

You need to be aware of the importance of replacing this missing tooth.  Why?  Once a tooth is removed, the space left by the missing tooth will allow the surrounding teeth to shift into that space. This shift could cause a misalignment in your mouth that can result in chewing or jaw-joint problems. These shifted teeth are harder to clean, making them more susceptible to gum disease, decay or even additional tooth loss. For these reasons, it’s important to replace the tooth with a dental appliance such as a bridge, a removable partial denture or an implant.

Pulling A Repairable Tooth

In some instances you may be considering the option of pulling a tooth rather than simply repairing it. While it may be less expensive in the short run, in the long run it may cost you more. As you just heard, once a tooth is pulled you still need to fill the space with a dental appliance to avoid future complications.  If you add the cost of extraction plus the replacement of the tooth, you may simply be better off repairing it.


Surgery Overview

Your dentist can remove (extract) wisdom tooth. In some complex situations, wisdom tooth will be extracted by an oral and maxillo- facial surgeon .The procedure often can be done in the dentist’s or surgeon’s office. We might advise to have the surgery done at the hospital, if you wish to have all your wisdom teeth pulled at one time or if you are at high risk for complications.

If you have any infections, surgery will usually be delayed until the infection has cleared up. Your dentist may have you take antibiotics to help heal the infection.

Before removing a wisdom tooth, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. Your dentist will probably recommend that you don’t eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery so that you are prepared for the anesthetic.

To remove the wisdom tooth, your dentist will open up the gum tissue over the tooth and take out any bone that is covering the tooth. He will separate the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone and then remove the tooth. Sometimes the dentist will cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove.

After the tooth is removed, you may need stitches. Some stitches dissolve over time and some have to be removed after a few days. Your dentist will tell you whether your stitches need to be removed. A folded cotton gauze pad placed over the wound will help stop the bleeding.

What To Expect After Surgery

In most cases, the recovery period lasts only a few days. Take painkillers as prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon. The following tips will help speed your recovery.

  • Bite gently on the gauze pad periodically, and change pads as they become soaked with blood. Call your dentist or oral surgeon if you still have bleeding 24 hours after your surgery.
  • While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite the inside of your cheek or lip, or your tongue.
  • Do not lie flat. This may prolong bleeding. Prop up your head with pillows.
  • Try using an ice pack on the outside of your cheek. Apply for 15 to 20 minutes at a time for the first 24 hours.
  • Relax after surgery. Physical activity may increase bleeding.
  • Eat soft foods, such as gelatin, pudding, or a thin soup. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as healing progresses.
  • Do not use a straw for the first few days. Sucking on a straw can loosen the blood clot and delay healing.
  • After the first day, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and relieve pain. You can make your own salt water by mixing 1 tsp (5 g) of salt in a medium-sized glass (240 mL) of room temperature water.
  • Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. Also, smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring germs and contaminants to the surgery area.
  • Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or touching it with your fingers.
  • Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.

Your dentist will remove the stitches after a few days, if needed.
Why It Is Done

A wisdom tooth is extracted to correct an actual problem or to prevent problems that may come up in the future. Some of the problems that can occur when wisdom teeth come in are:

  • Your jaw may not be large enough for them, and they may become impacted and unable to break through your gums.
  • Your wisdom teeth may break partway through your gums, causing a flap of gum tissue to grow over them. Food and germs can get trapped under the flap and cause your gums to become red, swollen, and painful. These are signs of infection.
  • More serious problems can develop from impacted teeth, such as infection, damage to other teeth and bone, or a cyst.
  • One or more of your wisdom teeth may come in at an awkward angle, with the top of the tooth facing forward, backward, or to either side.

How Well It Works

Wisdom tooth removal usually is effective in preventing:

  • Crowding of the back teeth.
  • A wisdom tooth becoming stuck in the jaw (impacted) and never breaking through the gums.
  • Red, swollen, and painful gums caused by a flap of skin around a wisdom tooth that has only partially come in.
  • Gum disease and tooth decay in the wisdom tooth, which may be harder to clean than other teeth, or in the teeth and jaw in the area of the wisdom tooth.


After a wisdom tooth is removed, you may experience:

  • Pain and swelling in your gums and tooth socket where the tooth was removed.
  • Bleeding that won’t stop for about 24 hours.
  • Difficulty with or pain from opening your jaw (trismus).
  • Slow-healing gums.
  • Damage to existing dental work, such as crowns or bridges, or to roots of a nearby tooth.
  • A painful inflammation called dry socket, which happens if the protective blood clot is lost too soon.
  • Numbness in your mouth and lips after the local anesthetic wears off, due to injury or inflammation of nerves in the jaw.
  • Rare side effects, including:
    • Numbness in the mouth or lips that does not go away.
    •  fractured jaw if the tooth was firmly attached to the jaw bone.
    • An opening into the sinus cavity when a wisdom tooth is removed from the upper jaw.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Dublin

Post Surgery Instructions

Now that the extraction is completed, here are some advices to help you with the healing process.


First, to control any bleeding put constant pressure on the wound by biting on the gauze. Also, change the gauze every few minutes for about a couple of hours. A cold compress or ice packs can also help this process.


For the first few days after the extraction you should stay on a soft diet. This decreases the chances that you will disturb the site of surgery. After a few days it is generally okay to resume your normal diet.


Following the extraction, it is very common to experience some discomfort, normally at the site of the anesthetic or the extraction site itself. To alleviate the discomfort you should follow your dentist’s recommendation on taking an over the counter pain medication. When necessary, your dentist may decide to prescribe a stronger pain medicine to manage higher levels of pain.


Visit your dentist for a checkup one week after the surgery so your dentist can remove any suture and examine the wound to make sure it is healing properly, unless you have complications in which you need to visit your dentist sooner.


Make sure that you do not disturb the extraction site. This means don’t chew, rinse or brush directly on the site for at least 24 to 48 hours.


This is important because using a straw often causes suction that can remove the blood clot. Loss of the blood clot causes bleeding or a painful condition called dry socket.


It is important that you do not smoke for at least 24 hours following the extraction, as smoking promotes the likelihood of bleeding and further delays the healing. Smoking could also cause dry socket.

Potential Outcome After Extracting A Tooth

A little bleeding, swelling and discomfort is normal after a tooth extraction, however, if you have any unusual bleeding beyond 4-6 hours post-operation it is important that you contact your dentist immediately or seek assistance at your local emergency room if you are unable to reach your dentist.

Sometimes you may experience discomfort when opening your mouth. This is due to muscle spasm or trismus, which usually heals on its own in a few days

We look forward to meeting you!

General and Cosmetic Dentistry

Our aim is to exceed the conventional way of practicing dentistry implementing the new approach to the importance of oral health to general health and specific interactions between the oral and craniofacial complex and the general and systemic diseases.

Our priority is to make every visit to ourr chery offices as pleasant and informative as possible.
We are dedicated to placing your comfort and health above all else.

We are commited to establishing lasting relationship build on open communication, mutual trust, respect and understanding.


Our mission is to serve you as patient with commitment to excellence, integrity and compassion and to help to buil-up your self confidence and to energize your lives by making you become as valued and confident as you always wanted to be.

Additionally: We are an amalgam free dental clinic! and…

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