“How many grinders used your worship have on this side?”….
“in this lower side your worship has no more than two grinders and a half, and in the upper neither a half nor any at all, for it is all as smooth as the palm of my hand.”….
“I had rather they despoiled me of an arm, so it were not the sword-arm; for I tell thee, Sancho, a mouth without teeth is like a mill without a millstone, and a tooth is much more to be prized than a diamond; but we who profess the austere order of chivalry are liable to all this…”
Miguel Cervantes – Don Quixote of La Mancha[/vc_column_text]
Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)
This is the branch of dentistry that deals specifically with the pulp within a tooth and the tissues that surround the root of a tooth. The structure of a tooth comprises the external enamel, the inner dentin and the pulp at the core of the tooth.
The pulp extends from the upper pulpal chamber in the crown of the tooth down the root canal towards the apex at the end of the root.
It provides nerves and nutrients to the tooth. A root may have between one and four canals and these canals can have very varied anatomy.
Molar teeth will tend to have a greater number of canals.
A dental prosthesis is an intraoral (inside the mouth) prosthesis used to restore (reconstruct) intraoral defects such as missing teeth, missing parts of teeth, and missing soft or hard structures of the jaw and palate. Prosthodontics is the dental specialty that focuses on dental prostheses.
Having a beautiful smile that you can be proud of can enhance your self-esteem, boost your confidence, and create great first impressions. Smile enhancement can range from tooth whitening and tooth colored fillings, to rebuilding an entire mouth with implant-supported teeth, to creating a beautiful denture.